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My Great Great Uncle Fester(1) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(2) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(3) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(4) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(5) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(6) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(7) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(8) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(9) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(10) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(11) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(12) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(13) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(14) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(15) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(16) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(17) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(18) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
My Great Great Uncle Fester(19) 8 Dock AVENUE Altona East VIC 3025 AU
John(20) Bendy Road AU
Boat Shed(21) 88 Fred Street AU
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Choosing the right chicken

1. Do you live in a hot or cold climate?
A few chickens are better at adjusting to hot conditions, others support the cooler components. In Australia, we have a tendency to get the extremes of various temperatures relying upon where we live – in case you're up north, you get outrageous warmth. Down south by and large equivalents solidifying temperatures. In this manner it is imperative that you pick a breed that suits your atmosphere.

In places thet get that bit  hot sometimes, these are a few breeds that will admission well:
  • Leghorns
  • Rhode Island Reds
  • New Hampshire Reds
  • Brahmas
Then again, if the temperature plunges to close solidifying close to your home, you'll be needing a chicken that wouldn't fret a touch of ice! These are breeds that are by and large substantial in estimate and have full feathered coats, for example,
  • Australorps
  • Silkies
  • Plymouth Rocks
  • Cochins,
  • Dorkings,
  • Wyandottes,
  • Sussex
2. What do you want chickens for?
This really is a fundamental question you need to ask yourself before narrowing down the breeds. People get chickens for a number of different reasons, most commonly including:
  • They want to have fresh eggs everyday
  • They want a great family pet that’s different to your conventional dog or cat
  • They want to use the chickens for their meat supply
Or on the other hand a blend of these! Not all breeds have similar properties – some don't lay the same number of as their feathered partners, some are more submissive in nature and along these lines like being taken care of, and are quiet around youngsters.
  • Great egg layers
If eggs are the main thing on your mind, then these breeds will keep your breakfast table looking full and delicious:
  • Isa Browns,
  • Rhode Island Reds,
  • Australorps,
  • Leghorns,
  • Plymouth Rocks,
  • Sussex,
  • Welsummer,
  • Wyandotte

Keep in mind, crisp terrace eggs are the best kind you would ever eat – sustenance shrewd and taste astute! Getting chickens for a continuous supply of new eggs is an awesome motivation to begin keeping them.
  • Beautiful egg layers
Perhaps a clutch of rainbow eggs is something you wouldn’t mind on your kitchen table every morning. Different breeds lay different coloured eggs – from blue, to green, to a chocolate brown! If you’re after a specific colour of egg, here are the breeds that lay them:
  • Blue Eggs – Araucana
  • Blue/Green Eggs – Easter Eggers
  • Reddish Brown Eggs – Welsummers, Barnvelders
  • Dark Brown Eggs – Marans
  • Pinkish Brown – Salmon Faverolles, Plymouth Rocks
  • Cream Coloured Eggs – Sussex, Polish
  • White Eggs – Anconas, Campines, White Leghorns
  • Brown Eggs – New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Delawares
  • Docile breeds for family pets
If you’re after a family pet that will love to snuggle up against you and your family, and won’t become too stressed by the sight of a toddler, then these are some breeds that are the most docile:
  • Silkies,
  • Isa Browns,
  • Plymouth Rocks.
  • Orpingtons, Australorps,
  • Sussex,
  • New Hampshire Red
  •  Good table birds
Some people like to raise chickens to be table birds, so they know the meat is fresh and ethically raised. If you’re looking to use your chickens for meat, here are some breeds that carry the most:
  • Faverolles,
  • Leghorns,
  • Brahmas, 
  • Houdans
  • Dual purpose breeds (eggs and meat)
If you’re after chickens that are productive egg layers and also have enough meat to be a good table bird, then there are certain breeds that are best for both:
  • Rhode Island Reds,
  • Plymouth Rocks,
  • Orpingtons,
  • Australorps,
  • Wyandottes
3. How much space do you have for your chickens to live in?
A few flying creatures are flawlessly cheerful wandering around a little patio territory or in a run fenced in area, others want to scavenge and unfenced over a wide space. While considering what breed is ideal for you, you do need to consider how much space they'll need to live in. On the off chance that you pick a breed that likes to extend their wings and place them in a run forever, you may have some troubled, baffled chickens staring you in the face!

Breeds that are cheerful to wander around in a little space, or remain safe together in an incorporate:
  • Silkie Bantams,
  • Australorps,
  • Orpingtons,
  • Plymouth Rocks
Breeds that need a little egg-stra room to roam, and the opportunity to stretch their wings over an average sized backyard include:
  • Rhode Island Red,
  • Ancona,
  • Hamburg,
  • Wyandottes
Keep in mind, before you settle on what type of chicken you will purchase (and certainly before you bring your new feathered companions home!), you'll need to get them the ideal chicken house – else you'll have some grouchy chooks regardless of how enormous your lawn! Our Taj Mahal and Penthouse have runs joined in case you're considering picking the breeds glad in little spaces, and Mansion likewise has a run choice accessible.
4. How often are you home?
Do you work all day? Is it true that you are a stay at home parent/telecommute? How frequently will you be home to give the chickens a chance to out? The appropriate responses will likewise impact what sorts of breeds you ought to get, and what sort of coop you'll require. On the off chance that you work all day and can't let the chickens out to unfenced amid the day, you'll most likely need to keep your chickens in a run. Accordingly, you're additionally going to need to get chickens that are upbeat jabbing around little spaces.

Interestingly, in the event that you are home to give the chickens a chance to out amid the day, at that point you can have chicken breeds that get a kick out of the chance to unfenced. Before you choose the ideal feathered companions for your run, ensure you sort out their chicken coop – they won't not be an aficionado of living in a cardboard box! Our Taj Mahal, Penthouse and Mansion coops have cheerfully housed chickens of all breeds, shapes and sizes.
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